Some Thoughts on Dealing with the COVID-19 Crisis

As we face the onslaught of the coronavirus together, following the CDC guidelines, especially social distancing, washing your hands frequently, and wiping down surfaces are absolutely essential. But what is also essential and is not being recommended enough unfortunately, are self care tips that can help people fortify their bodies against opportunistic invaders.

As Albert Einstein said "In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity." And what a great opportunity to start creating healthy habits, which will not only help you now, but for always.

What a great time to:

  • Start  doing a little yoga, some breathing exercises, or meditation. These are ideal practices to counter the stress and overwhelm we are all feeling.
  • Get a little more sleep than you are used to. It's such a good way to rest, repair, and refresh your body for the next day.
  • Keep moving your body throughout the day. It will help keep your immune system strong. But don't overdo it, as that is additional stress for the body.
  • Reduce sugar, processed foods, and alcohol as much as possible because they have a weakening effect on immunity.
  • Embrace home cooking, as you have more control of the ingredients.
  • Make sure you are well-hydrated. This will help keep your lungs moist and mucus flowing, which is important in times like this where the lungs could be one of the primary organs under attack.
  • Stay connected to family, friends, and your community for support and comfort. We are all in this together.

As I always say, it's the ordinary things we do on a daily basis, that can have extra-ordinary effects on our health.

Please listen to this informative podcast with Dr. Bob Roundtree, one of the foremost Practitioners of Functional Medicine and one of the smartest guys I know, on what else you can do to stay healthy. In it we discuss how chloroquine (an anti-malarial drug) and hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil, a drug used for Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis), may be possible treatments for COVID-19 and how they work. Most importantly we discuss the numerous supplements and herbs that can help prime the immune system and the myth out there about avoiding certain supplements because they cause a cytokine storm.


Longevity Reading