Health Coach Tip - Stand More

Sitting for long periods has been linked to a range of health issues, from cardiovascular disease to weakened muscles and even a shorter lifespan. Fortunately, making small changes to your daily routine can counter these effects and support longevity! Here’s why standing more matters:

Standing boosts metabolism and blood glucose management

Standing burns more calories than sitting and helps activate large muscle groups in your legs, maintaining a healthy metabolism. It also improves blood glucose management by stimulating muscles to absorb blood sugar, reducing the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Even small actions, like standing while working or doing household chores, can contribute to better blood sugar control.

Standing improves your circulation

Prolonged sitting can slow circulation, leading to swollen legs, varicose veins, or blood clots. Standing and moving regularly help keep your blood flowing smoothly, reducing your risk of these issues.

Standing supports good posture and core strength

Standing promotes better posture and engages your core muscles. Over time, this can reduce back pain, improve your balance, and prevent the decline in muscle mass that often comes with aging. Check out my article on posture and longevity: “Health Coach Tip - How Good Posture Improves Your Health.”

Quick tips to stand more: 

  • Use a standing desk or high countertop for tasks like reading or using a laptop.
  • Consider taking phone calls standing up or pacing around your space.