Health Coach Tip - Healthy Travel Tips

Are you entering vacation mode? Travel rates are higher than they were in 2019 (pre-pandemic)! With all of the fun that travel brings, it also poses risks for health, be it fatigue, circadian rhythm disruption, or dry skin – but luckily, we can easily combat and avoid many of these risks. With this in mind, here are some tips to promote health on your journey:

Stay Hydrated!

It’s easy to forget to hydrate when there’s so much to focus on with travel. This is your reminder to drink plenty of water throughout your flight and travel journey. You can even pack anti-inflammatory tea sachets and request hot water on the flight. Avoid alcohol to avoid dehydration, inflammation, and impaired sleep quality.  

Pre-Pack Quality Snacks

While traveling, steer clear of sugar, processed snacks, and table salt to prevent dehydration and inflammation. These foods are energy-stealers. Most food in airports don’t support health, so opt for packing your snacks– some fruit, nut butter packs, nuts, organic grass-fed beef jerky, and hard boiled eggs are easy.

Keep Moving!

Moving around during your flight is important. On long flights, keep your blood circulating by moving and stretching every hour. Pro hack: wear compression socks to help enhance circulation. Many swear it even helps fight jet-lag.

Reserve Time For Grounding Post-Flight!

Upon landing, get barefoot to help energize your body and combat jet-lag. Where can you get your grounding on? In the nearest park, on unsealed concrete (if you can’t find any dirt), or depending on your destination, sand is a great option too!

Get Your Sleep On Post-Flight!

When you arrive and it’s time to let the unwinding begin, prioritize sleep to make the most to the start of your vacation. To begin the downshifting process, take a break from technology, take a hot bath or shower, turn the lights off, close the blinds and get into relaxation mode. If getting to sleep proves difficult, try a guided meditation for sleep support!

Longevity Reading