Health Coach Tip - The Benefits of Urolithin A

Urolithin A(UA) is a compound which is naturally produced by bacteria within the gut microbiome, after consuming ellagitannins or ellagic acid – polyphenols which can be found in foods like pomegranate, berries, nuts, teas, and other foods. Urolithin A has recently been in the longevity spotlight, with research showing that it protects against age-related disease and also slows the aging processes. Here are some of the benefits:

UA improves mitochondrial health

As we age, cellular components called mitochondria become less functional, as do our systems for clearing out dysfunctional mitochondria. Mitochondrial health is central to healthy aging. UA induces mitophagy, the cleaning or recycling of dysfunctional mitochondria, which leads to improved mitochondrial health.

UA improves heart health

Research in animals has shown that UA improves heart health in a variety of ways from supporting heart cells and protecting from atherosclerosis to reducing plasma lipid levels.

UA improves brain health

Research shows that UA supports brain health by decreasing brain inflammation, blocking pro-inflammatory factor NF-kB, and inducing mitophagy. UA also may improve facets of neurodegeneration.

UA improves metabolic health

Research in obese animals shows that UA improves metabolic health by reducing total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, plasma adiponectin, and liver triglyceride accumulation – which when amok contribute to metabolic conditions. UA has also been shown to increase insulin sensitivity.

UA improves muscle health

Research also shows that UA may prevent age-related muscle decline, improve muscle fiber health, and enhance skeletal muscle strength and performance.

UA improves lifespan

In worms, UA extends lifespan by as much as 45%!

Although most of the research regarding UA is preliminary, the compound is very promising – and several human trials are underway. You may reap the advantages of UA by consuming pomegranate, walnuts and pecans. However, most people do not have the necessary bacteria to produce the amounts of UA needed for these benefits. In that case, there are supplements available!

Longevity Reading