Health Coach Tip - Keep Active Outdoors

Sure, it’s tempting to just put on a big sunhat, find a spot in the shade and lounge all day, but hey, the summer heat is no good excuse for a sedentary life. In fact, it’s the perfect time to get outside – the days are longer, work is (mostly) less hectic and (often) virtual, and weekends out-of-town are loaded with outdoor opportunities. Daily exercise is good for your body and your brain, so get out there and have some fun!

Hit the playground

Got kids? Play outside with them! It’s great quality time, fun for all, and gets your blood pumping. Set up a small soccer match, play volleyball on the beach, or simply play hide and seek in the backyard or park.

Get some beach action

At the beach? Go for a long swim, create the perfect beach HIIT routine, or take a walk with your favorite playlist and a big sunhat.

Learn something new

It is good for our body and brain to keep learning and trying new things, so why not challenge yourself to a new summer sport? Get outdoors, there are so many options: surfing, golfing, tennis, hula hooping, kayaking, baseball, handball, biking, frisbee… the list goes on.

Utilize the mornings

Summer mornings are the coolest part of the day. Get up early and go for a run or a bike ride. How about some outdoor yoga or a few strengthening exercises in the park before work?

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